Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Batman Arkham Origins :- Video settings reset everytime (THREE different solutions).

(BmEngine.ini download link below)

Like me, many of the gamers have experienced this problem that requires you to set your preference everytime you launch the game as it will revert back to default when you launch the game next time. Turning Physx seems to be more annoying as it requires you to restart the game, which will inturn reset settings again. Hence you will be unable to reset the settings.

Let's see the solution :-

The game should be located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Batman Arkham Origins\" by default,

First solution:-

1. Goto the game folder and open SinglePlayer->BMGame->Config (C:\Program Files (x86)\Batman Arkham Origins\SinglePlayer\BMGame\Config)

2. Delete or move the file "BmEngine.ini" elsewhere and begin the game.

3.  By removing it, the settings should revert to default now and try setting it to your preference now

If you cannot locate the file "BmEngine.ini", worry not you can download it by clicking here and follow solution 2 below:-

1. Edit BmEngine.dll and change resolution and anything you want to be changed and save it the config folder.
2. Now run the game and see if anything changed, it didnt for me, but when I changed the settings again ingame and restarted the game after saving it, the settings did not reset :D

Solution 3:
as suggested in the comments by
"When you're gonna play by clicking batman icon, just don't double click it, but choose "run as administrator" then play the game as usual. Set your graphic setting and make screen to full screen. Then, quit the game, and double click batman icon. VOILA!! now the screen automatically full screen and your graphic setting appears as you set before."


  1. It worked for me :) Thanks

  2. not work, bmengine.ini deleted and edited several times, has 1680 but runs in 1920

    1. sorry for late reply but, after editing, save and make the file read-only, that will prevent the game from changing the resolution.

    2. how to edit and save and change resolution in BmEngine.dll

  3. how to edit and save and change resolution in BmEngine.dll

    1. It is not BmEngine.dll you need to edit, it is BmEngine.ini , again sorry for late reply, been busy lately

  4. when you're gonna play by clicking batman icon, just don't double click it, but choose "run as administrator" then play the game as usual. Set your graphic setting and make screen to full screen. Then, quit the game, and double click batman icon. VOILA!! now the screen automatically full screen and your graphic setting appears as u set before

  5. not working for me, error :-
    FIle corruption detected in ..\..\BmGame\Config\BmGame.ini please verify the integrity of the game cach. The game will now exit.

  6. How do i edit resolution please explain

    1. Open bmengine.ini with any text editor like notepad and change resolution parameters

  7. Bro help me, let me explain: Before my game crashed when I was in the start menu, I saw a video which said that I had to delete the Batman Arkham Origins / SinglePlayer / BMgame / Config / BMengine file. I did it and it no longer crashes, but now all the letters in the start menu and the game say things like? ESM? GFxUI.UIPresstart? and so, help me please, I need to play. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

  8. not working for me, error :-
    FIle corruption detected in ..\..\BmGame\Config\BmGame.ini please verify the integrity of the game cach. The game will now exit.

